Purpose: Sign up to participate in the annual Run with Purpose to support Traumatic Injury survivors and their families presented by ProjectOne45.
Routes: This event will offer a 5k (3.1 mile) run/walk route as well as a 1.6K (1 mile) route.
Registration: Bib pick-up will be in front of the route at 7am on the day of the race.
T-Shirts: Register by February 14th to secure your race day t-shirt. A limited supply of race day t-shirts will be available for those who register after February 14th or register on race day.
💬 About Project One45
Mission: Project One45 is a non-profit based in the Gainesville, FL area whose mission is to support those who have survived traumatic injuries and their families while they are on the road to recovery.
Proceeds: Proceeds from this race will go to providing housing support and other costs related to the recovery of trauma survivors.
Contact: Please contact us at Projectone45inc@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Website: Please visit our website at WWW.ProjectOne45.Org for more details about our mission.
📅 Registration Details
Early Registration: 12/15-01/20 - 5k price: $25, 1-mile price: $15 - t-shirt and medal included
Standard Registration: 01/21-02/14 - 5k price: $30, 1-mile price: $20 - t-shirt included (T-shirts are not guaranteed AFTER February 14th)
Late Registration: 02/15-03/15 - 5k price: $35, 1-mile price: $25 - (Limited supply of shirts and medals.)
Refund Policy: No refunds
🏅 Medal Information
Medals: Medals are for 5k racers only, the 1 mile race does not include a medal.
👟 Looking Forward
Excitement: We look forward to seeing you out there!