Maxine Barritt Park- 1800 S Harbor Dr, Venice FL
Saturday, April 5th, 2025
Run, walk, skip, or ride in a stroller, THIS is the most Foolish fun you will have ALL year at a race event!! At the Fools Run, the only thing we take seriously is HOW MUCH FUN you are going to have!
The event will take place at the large pavilion. Before start time, an announcement will be made, and we will all go to the Sharkey's parking lot where the start line is. The route is as follows:
Your finishing time will be texted or emailed to you based on what you have set up through RunSignUp. Ensure you input your correct information. Do run fast, because those Fools over at Gulf Breeze Apparel are sure to come up with some sort of baller awards:
Be sure to follow our Facebook page to be up to date on all the shenanigans!
For additional details and registration, visit our [race page](
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races